Friday, July 31, 2009

Beer Summit

How utterly MANLY...let's get together and discuss this over a couple of beers and throw in a few nuts and there you have it...history...the first BEER SUMMIT. I'm so proud to be an American. And, from what I can tell, nothing was gained except a photo op. Hmmmmm...I wonder who picked up the tab for the airfare, hotels and...even the beer and nuts? I'm pretty sure it was you and me and we weren't even invited - except of course by the press and media through the TV that is what keeps us all "informed" these days. Thank you everyone!

What a waste of time and energy. From what I've read and heard (and remember you can't believe everything you read OR hear these days - thank you media) Mr. Crowley was doing his job the day he responded to a 911 call. When an officer responds to a reported possible break-in does he typically say "excuse me sir, but do you live here because we got a phone call that someone was breaking into this house"...I think not, because if it were a break-in, his chances of being a sidewalk chalk outline might increase a thousand-fold.

And, I can guarantee you, that if an officer stopped me and I was trying to get into my own home, I would definitely talk to him with a little respect and trepidation until I establish who I am...afer all, HE HAS A GUN, he's authorized to use it, he doesn't know me, HE'S THE LAW. But, hey, that's just me I guess. And, I certainly wouldn't begin a diatribe with the officer once he established who I am. That's surely not necessary.

I think the race factor became an issue because someone (don't really know who - thank you media) made it a factor. Or maybe it was Mr. Gates actions - actions do speak louder than words and maybe this is where the words began.

And, Mr. Obama, sir, Mr. is it you have so much time on your hands to coddle this situation? Interesting to me...just because you know someone doesn't mean they always act with the demeanor you think they possess.

My opinion - Beer Summits are for backyard barbecues with your friends and family where you can also agree to disagree without the high price tag to the rest of the country. LOTS OF MONEY WAS DROPPED FOR THIS BEER SUMMIT, FROM THE WHITE HOUSE TO THE MEDIA SPECTACLE.

Our tax dollars at work...thank you media and Mr. President.

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